The Evolution of Private Security Post 9/11 and COVID-19

Over the past two decades, private security companies and the protection personnel they employ have seen security environments heighten exponentially in both the government and civilian sectors. And while security companies fight to keep costs down and profit up, they are forced to spend more as they adapt to these changing environmental demands. On a similar note, security personnel once relied upon to simply “observe and report”, are now expected by employers and clients to stand in a much more frontline capacity.

The vast majority of state agencies responsible for the licensing and regulation of private security have been slow to adapt. Many security company owners, executives, and security directors point out two critical deficiencies within the security industry. The first is a lack of professional standardization across jurisdictions and states. And the second is a lack of commitment to the industry by federal governing bodies.

The COVID-19 pandemic gave us the first glimpse into the federal government’s steps to integrate private security into disaster mitigation and recovery. In 2018, just two years prior, the federal government formed the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA). As part of the US Department of Homeland Security, CISA’s strategic priorities are to “understand, manage, and reduce risk to physical infrastructure.” Along with private sector resources such as industrial fire departments and private emergency medical service providers, CISA also categorizes private security organizations as crucial to its Emergency Services Sector (ESS).

Within the last ten years, the industry has seen significant improvements in its commitment to advanced training and the availability of security-related technology. Foundational training programs and continuing education incorporate more and more general law enforcement methodologies and practices. At the same time, security personnel and guard management systems have grown leaps and bounds from basic activity reporting into real-time GPS tracking, monitoring, communication, and surveillance integration.

As the security industry continues to evolve, security companies and personnel will continue to play an increasingly important role in the safety and security of critical infrastructure, private property, assets, and people.

We are Overwatch Protective Solutions one of the leading private secrurity companies Dallas, Texas.