TOP 10 Ways to Create A BUZZ Around Your MLM Business

How does one create BUZZ around their MLM business? Well, it’s not easy. There are many different ways to do so, but the most popular way is through social media. But what kind of content should you post on your social media accounts to get people talking about you and your products? Read this blog post for some tips!

1. Start a BLOG.


One of the first things you should do is start a blog on your website or directly through your company webpage if it comes with free hosting. This way you can post all kinds of news and information about what’s going on in the MLM world, not just your own company! But remember to keep things interesting by posting other stuff too, like reviews for new products, pictures of yourself on vacation (only if they’re good shots!), etc.

2. Include Pictures Or Videos In Your Posts.

Establish Multiple Traffic Sources in Your Network Marketing Business

People love pictures and videos when reading blogs and social media posts from companies – it adds entertainment value! So take important events in your company and add photos or videos to your blog posts. Post them on your YouTube channel and embed the videos directly into your blog post – that way viewers can easily find it!

3. Make A Quality Video About Your Products.


One of the best ways to generate BUZZ about your business is by making a quality video showing off what you do and selling at the same time. Post it on both YouTube and Facebook to get maximum exposure and views, and send out links to the video on Twitter as well as all your social media accounts so people can see it and share it with their friends too! Remember: Your goal is to sell more products through this marketing technique! So be sure to answer any questions or concerns people may have in the video, but don’t ramble on about it – keep it short and sweet!

4. Post An Inside Look At Your Company On LinkedIn.

There are a ton of discussions going on in the “Groups” section of LinkedIn about MLM businesses, so you should post an inside look at what your company does here every once in a while. This is an excellent way to get people talking about you! Also try posting business tips from time to time when appropriate, again being careful not to ramble too much. Always remember that your goal is to sell more products through this social media technique!

5. Start a Twitter Chat To Get More Buzz Going Online!

A great way to generate BUZZ online is by starting a Twitter chat. The Twitter chats are a series of questions that are posted on Twitter by you or your company – answer them one by one, while including the designated hashtag in each tweet. Post these questions at least once a week and watch how many more people get involved with talking about your products! To learn more about how to properly conduct a Twitter chat, visit this link.

6. Tweet Often With Interesting Content & Questions!

You should always be tweeting to promote what you do online, but the trick is to keep people interested. Try asking interesting questions, making witty comments, posting newsworthy content, giving advice whenever possible, etc. People will get excited when they see new tweets from you so don’t be too stingy! Just try not to ramble too much!

7. Use The Power Of Hashtags


#YOLO is the newest of all the popular hashtags (albeit one of the more annoying ones!), but it’s also one of the most powerful when used correctly. If you post something with this hashtag included, you can be sure that your tweet will get retweeted more often than not. Try using this hashtag in some tweets every once in a while to see if it works for you – just don’t overdo it or people will lose interest! You can also use #WTH which means “What The Heck” and is another way to get more retweets/favorites/etc.

8. Ask Questions On Quora To Get More Buzz Going Online!

Quora is an excellent place to get people interested in your posts, so use this website to your advantage by asking interesting questions! Include links to your blog posts if you can, but try not to spam people too much or they’ll just ignore you! Try getting into conversations with other Quora users about things related to MLM businesses and getting involved with the different threads. Just be careful not to ramble on too long – remember, you want people talking about YOU, not YOU talking about yourself!

9. Comment On Other Blogs With Engaging Content & Questions!

When commenting on other blogs online (not spamming), always make sure that your comments are thoughtful and engaging. This will entice people to click on your name to see what else you’ve written, and maybe even follow your blog if they like what they see! Try leaving questions as comments whenever possible – this is a great way to get people talking about you and your products. Just be careful not to ramble on too much in your comments or people will lose interest!

10. Give Away Free Stuff!

Who doesn’t love free stuff? By giving away free samples of your products or even just free eBooks, whitepapers, etc., you can generate a lot of BUZZ around your business very quickly. Be sure to post links to where people can go to claim their freebies – this will ensure that you get more traffic on your page! Just be careful not to abuse this idea by giving away too much. If everyone is getting all of their products for free, then nobody will want to buy anything from you!

There are many different ways to generate BUZZ around your MLM business online. These ten techniques are some of the best and most effective ways to make it happen, but don’t stop here – keep looking for unique ideas that will improve what you do online today! Good luck with your virtual marketing campaign and watch how quickly people start talking about YOU!