Would you stand up for your 2nd Amendment rights?

2nd Amendment God Guns

The 2nd amendment is the right to bear arms. According.gov says it is, “the people have the right to keep and bear Arms,  a well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of  the people to be secured in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches  and seizures” (Do you love the 2nd Amendment). The 2nd amendment has been an important part of America since 1791 when it was first added to the U.S. Constitution by James Madison.

The 2nd amendment is an important part of American life because without citizen’s ability to defend themselves from criminals or armies, the state would grow too powerful and citizens rights would be at risk. The 2nd Amendment also protects people’s right to hunt game, like pheasant hunting.

The 2nd Amendment generally guarantees all individuals the right to possess weapons of their choosing for self-defense or hunting purposes. The 1st allows you to express yourself and the things you deem are important to share: https://facebook.com/ultimateflagsdotcom/

Unfortunately, because of violence associated with 2nd Amendment weapons, many Americans do not support this constitutional right. However, it is important to remember that over 60 million guns were purchased in 2013 alone (The Washington Post). Guns are a part of American culture because they provide both food and protection for Americans living on farms or ranches as well as those who live in big cities . The 2A will continue to play an important role in Americans rights and freedom.

2nd Amendment Red Rifles Liberty or Death2nd Amendment — the 2nd of ten amendments in the Bill of Rights that guarantees citizens the right to bear arms. The 2nd amendment was created on December 15, 1791. It outlines our rights as Americans and affirms that we have a responsibility to protect ourselves and each other from tyranny and oppression.

            The 2A is one of the most hotly debated Amendments these days because it can be interpreted in different ways: people interpret it as an individual right while others see it as a collective right only applicable to militias.

However, what’s not up for debate is its ability to unite Americans through gun culture and all the positive things guns represent such as freedom from tyranny, freedom against oppressive parties like governments that overreach and abuse it’s power, freedom from being a victim in crime and person safety.

2nd Amendment Come and Take itRemember folks, criminals do not lawfully buy weapons nor do they follow the laws of the land. If more and more people get properly trained, the 2nd Amendment will outlive all of us. And if you aren’t sure what the 1st Amendment is, https://facebook.com/ultimateflagsdotcom/ and get all your coolest ways to express yourself. What would the world be like if you weren’t allowed to speak what’s on your mind or how you feel openly and honestly? Too many social platforms have deemed it their responsibility to limit freedom of speech and expression.  They say it’s under the guise of public safety and limiting the spread of misinformation. Sometimes we as Americans tend to forget that this freedom is a right the the founders of America gave us. Those from other countries fear for their life &/or lives of their family members if they speak out and say how they feel.  We should continue to uphold the 1st and 2nd Amendments of the Bill of Rights as our founders fought so hard to give us. Do you agree? https://facebook.com/ultimateflagsdotcom